Saturday, October 4, 2008

What happens at the cabin...stays at the cabin!

Remember your best friends from your high school years? The ones that you always thought that you would always live just down the street from, and your kids would play with each other? But then real life happens and you just never seem to see those friends anymore. Well, last year my high school friends and I decided to start a tradition and have a "get-away" every year. This year was our second year doing it. One of my friends, Leisa (isn't it weird that we both spell our names the same way) has a cabin that she so graciously lets us go stay in.

We met at her cabin (which by the way is a pretty cool cabin) in Wolf Creek on Wednesday. We sat around and visited for quite awhile before having lunch. After that we decided to get the four-wheelers going and go for a ride up the canyon. It was beautiful this time of year. The trees were the most gorgeous colors. The weather wasn't cooperating too well, not to mention hunters that were shooting not to far away, made us think we should make it a short drive.

Toni showed up later that night and we had dinner. Annette's brother and Mom stopped in for a minute. It was fun to see them too. Her brother, Terry brought us a peach/raspberry pie that he had made in the ducth oven. It was so yummy. (He competes in dutch oven cooking and took 5th place in a world competition.) It was so fun visiting and catching up on each others lives. It is funny that not one of us has ended up living in the same town as another one. Teresa had to leave that night to go home, but the rest of us stayed the night. We got in our jammies and watched a movie until we were all falling asleep. (Are we really getting that old?....but we did manage to make it past midnight).

I guess that the fact that all of us are Mom's made it hard for any of us to sleep in. So we made a hugh breakfast and more talking the rest of the morning. We all left to home after that. It was so much fun to see everyone again. It is good to connect with friends who have known you most of your life. I am so glad that we are still able to keep in touch and remain good friends. I can't wait until next year to do it all again.
Here are a few pictures.....(Leisa R. , I borrowed a few of your pictures from your blog.)


Roberts said...

You write so much better then me. I guess that's why you always won the writing contests. I like your pictures. That's funny that we both put something about spelling our names the same way. Thanks for coming up. Can't wait for next year. The carpet looks great. It finally seems clean to me. Leisa

Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

I am so glad you found our blog, and yours is so cute. It's amazing how the blog world works, and the people you find. I have found so many friends from highschool and college. I'm going to add you to our friends list if that's okay. Please check in with us anytime, I'm always blogging:):)

beckylbd said...

Looks like a lot of fun!

Carol Ann said...

Oh, you Hogs! It was so fun to see your pictures... It sure brings back memories of Wolf Creek! Hope everyone is happy and doing well!