Monday, May 4, 2009


PLEASE...someone tell me.

How do we get from here....

to here....

in such a short time?

Has it really been 15 years?

When our kids were little and my life just seemed like it was diapers and bottles, people told me to enjoy it because they would be teenagers before I knew it. I really doubted it. But surprisingly they were right. Where did the time go? Logan can finally get his driver's learner's permit. He has been anticipating this for a long time!

Logan has been such a good son. He is a hard worker and always the one we call on to help us. Being the oldest, he has always had a of of responsibilty and was able to handle it. He is a good example to his younger brother and sisters. He is funny!! Not many people know that about him. He keeps it well hidden, but he is actually hilarious. He makes our family laugh every day. Logan is a great blessing to our family.

Now I am getting worried about how fast the next few years will fly by until he is graduated and on a mission. I KNOW it will go by fast.

We love you Logan!!


Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

Happy Birthday to Logan...please tell him I told Nick he called, but we had family in town, and we got busy. Maybe they can get together now that tennis is over.

Roberts said...

I remember when my kids were little and thinking it would never end. Taylor graduates this May so it does end. Soon we will be empty nesters.

The Davis Family said...

You do have cute kids. I love the second picture he looks so thrilled that your taking his picture! His cake looks good to what is it?

Michele and Wyatt said...

I can't believe he is 15 either. When we moved in by you he was only 4. Wow, time sure flies. He has turned in to a great young man. Happy Birthday Logan!

beckylbd said...

I still remember when Logan was born and taking the day off work to run to Provo to see him. A lot has changed in 15 years!

Michelle said...

I remember him and Michaela playing together when they were little. I agree with you where did the time go. I look at Michaela and say the same thing.