Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Tea Party

Yes, our family went to the "Tax Day Tea Party" this evening. It was awesome. The kids actually enjoyed themselves. We decided this would be a good way to teach our kids that if people want to make a difference, then you have to get involved and not sit back and wait for others to take action. I was a bit amazed at how many people showed up at the courthouse steps to be involved. I did not expect that big of a turn out.

I don't want this post to be a political rant. I don't consider myself an activist. I just feel like we can't sit on the sidelines anymore. The way this country is headed just scares me. I feel it is time for the people to get involved and not depend on the government to solve all the problems.

The kids had fun holding their signs up and got lots of honks, waves and thumbs up by passing cars. Needless to say, they also got a couple thumbs down and "the finger" once. But that didn't damper their enthusiasm. Even my Dad and Mom came over from Duchesne to attend. Becky and her kids were there too.

Bryson made this sign. I love it! (FYI--it is a picture of a monster....not Obama)

We joked that this was our "First Family Protest". I just hope that my kids learned that is it okay to stand up for you believe in. Also, that if you want to make something happen you have to get involved.
Susan, my sister, is the chairperson over all the Tea Parties in Utah. I am anxious to hear how the Tea Parties in the rest of the state turned out.


Christie said...

I was so sad to miss it. I was sick yesterday.

Good for you!

Michele and Wyatt said...

Good for you! I was going to go, but then completely spaced it. I'm glad there was a good turn out.

Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

Good for you!! I didn't even know about it.

The Davis Family said...

I think that is so cool, I didn't know they were doing it here in town. We do need to stand up more for what we believe in! Thanks for being a good example.